Source code for kua.routes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
from typing import (

__all__ = [

# This is a nested structure similar to a linked-list
VariablePartsType = Tuple[tuple, Tuple[str, str]]

[docs]class RouteError(Exception): """Base error for any exception raised by Kua"""
def depth_of(parts: Sequence[str]) -> int: """ Calculate the depth of URL parts :param parts: A list of URL parts :return: Depth of the list :private: """ return len(parts) - 1 def normalize_url(url: str) -> str: """ Remove leading and trailing slashes from a URL :param url: URL :return: URL with no leading and trailing slashes :private: """ if url.startswith('/'): url = url[1:] if url.endswith('/'): url = url[:-1] return url def _unwrap(variable_parts: VariablePartsType): """ Yield URL parts. The given parts are usually in reverse order. """ curr_parts = variable_parts var_any = [] while curr_parts: curr_parts, (var_type, part) = curr_parts if var_type == Routes._VAR_ANY_NODE: var_any.append(part) continue if var_type == Routes._VAR_ANY_BREAK: if var_any: yield tuple(reversed(var_any)) var_any.clear() var_any.append(part) continue if var_any: yield tuple(reversed(var_any)) var_any.clear() yield part continue yield part if var_any: yield tuple(reversed(var_any)) def make_params( key_parts: Sequence[str], variable_parts: VariablePartsType) -> Dict[str, Union[str, Tuple[str]]]: """ Map keys to variables. This map\ URL-pattern variables to\ a URL related parts :param key_parts: A list of URL parts :param variable_parts: A linked-list\ (ala nested tuples) of URL parts :return: The param dict with the values\ assigned to the keys :private: """ # The unwrapped variable parts are in reverse order. # Instead of reversing those we reverse the key parts # and avoid the O(n) space required for reversing the vars return dict(zip(reversed(key_parts), _unwrap(variable_parts))) _Route = collections.namedtuple( '_Route', ['key_parts', 'anything']) RouteResolved = collections.namedtuple( 'RouteResolved', ['params', 'anything']) RouteResolved.__doc__ = ( """ Resolved route :param dict params: Pattern variables\ to URL parts :param object anything: Literally anything.\ This is attached to the URL pattern when\ registering it """)
[docs]class Routes: """ Route URLs to registered URL patterns. Thread safety: adding routes is not thread-safe,\ it should be done on import time, everything else is. URL matcher supports ``:var`` for matching dynamic\ path parts and ``:*var`` for matching one or more parts. Path parts are matched in the following order: ``static > var > any-var``. Usage:: routes = kua.Routes() routes.add('api/:foo', {'GET': my_get_controller}) route = routes.match('api/hello-world') route.params # {'foo': 'hello-world'} route.anything # {'GET': my_get_controller} # Matching any path routes.add('assets/:*foo', {}) route = routes.match('assets/user/profile/avatar.jpg') route.params # {'foo': ('user', 'profile', 'avatar.jpg')} # Error handling try: route = routes.match('bad-url/some') except kua.RouteError: raise ValueError('Not found 404') else: # Do something useful here pass :ivar max_depth: The maximum URL depth\ (number of parts) willing to match. This only\ takes effect when one or more URLs matcher\ make use of any-var (i.e: ``:*var``), otherwise the\ depth of the deepest URL is taken. """ _VAR_NODE = ':var' _VAR_ANY_NODE = ':*var' _ROUTE_NODE = ':route' _VAR_ANY_BREAK = ':*break' def __init__(self, max_depth: int=40) -> None: """ :ivar _routes: \ Contain a graph with the parts of\ each URL pattern. This is referred as\ "partial route" later in the docs. :vartype _routes: dict :ivar _max_depth: Depth of the deepest\ registered pattern :vartype _max_depth: int :private-vars: """ self._max_depth_custom = max_depth # Routes graph format for 'foo/:foobar/bar': # { # 'foo': { # ':var': { # 'bar': { # ':route': _Route(), # ... # }, # ... # } # ... # }, # ... # } self._routes = {} self._max_depth = 0 def _deconstruct_url(self, url: str) -> List[str]: """ Split a regular URL into parts :param url: A normalized URL :return: Parts of the URL :raises kua.routes.RouteError: \ If the depth of the URL exceeds\ the max depth of the deepest\ registered pattern :private: """ parts = url.split('/', self._max_depth + 1) if depth_of(parts) > self._max_depth: raise RouteError('No match') return parts def _match(self, parts: Sequence[str]) -> RouteResolved: """ Match URL parts to a registered pattern. This function is basically where all\ the CPU-heavy work is done. :param parts: URL parts :return: Matched route :raises kua.routes.RouteError: If there is no match :private: """ route_match = None # type: RouteResolved route_variable_parts = tuple() # type: VariablePartsType # (route_partial, variable_parts, depth) to_visit = [(self._routes, tuple(), 0)] # type: List[Tuple[dict, tuple, int]] # Walk through the graph, # keep track of all possible # matching branches and do # backtracking if needed while to_visit: curr, curr_variable_parts, depth = to_visit.pop() try: part = parts[depth] except IndexError: if self._ROUTE_NODE in curr: route_match = curr[self._ROUTE_NODE] route_variable_parts = curr_variable_parts break else: continue if self._VAR_ANY_NODE in curr: to_visit.append(( {self._VAR_ANY_NODE: curr[self._VAR_ANY_NODE]}, (curr_variable_parts, (self._VAR_ANY_NODE, part)), depth + 1)) to_visit.append(( curr[self._VAR_ANY_NODE], (curr_variable_parts, (self._VAR_ANY_BREAK, part)), depth + 1)) if self._VAR_NODE in curr: to_visit.append(( curr[self._VAR_NODE], (curr_variable_parts, (self._VAR_NODE, part)), depth + 1)) if part in curr: to_visit.append(( curr[part], curr_variable_parts, depth + 1)) if not route_match: raise RouteError('No match') return RouteResolved( params=make_params( key_parts=route_match.key_parts, variable_parts=route_variable_parts), anything=route_match.anything)
[docs] def match(self, url: str) -> RouteResolved: """ Match a URL to a registered pattern. :param url: URL :return: Matched route :raises kua.RouteError: If there is no match """ url = normalize_url(url) parts = self._deconstruct_url(url) return self._match(parts)
[docs] def add(self, url: str, anything: Any) -> None: """ Register a URL pattern into\ the routes for later matching. It's possible to attach any kind of\ object to the pattern for later\ retrieving. A dict with methods and callbacks,\ for example. Anything really. Registration order does not matter.\ Adding a URL first or last makes no difference. :param url: URL :param anything: Literally anything. """ url = normalize_url(url) parts = url.split('/') curr_partial_routes = self._routes curr_key_parts = [] for part in parts: if part.startswith(':*'): curr_key_parts.append(part[2:]) part = self._VAR_ANY_NODE self._max_depth = self._max_depth_custom elif part.startswith(':'): curr_key_parts.append(part[1:]) part = self._VAR_NODE curr_partial_routes = (curr_partial_routes .setdefault(part, {})) curr_partial_routes[self._ROUTE_NODE] = _Route( key_parts=curr_key_parts, anything=anything) self._max_depth = max(self._max_depth, depth_of(parts))