Routes Module

class kua.routes.Routes(max_depth: int = 40) → None[source]

Route URLs to registered URL patterns.

Thread safety: adding routes is not thread-safe, it should be done on import time, everything else is.

URL matcher supports :var for matching dynamic path parts and :*var for matching one or more parts.

Path parts are matched in the following order: static > var > any-var.


routes = kua.Routes()
routes.add('api/:foo', {'GET': my_get_controller})
route = routes.match('api/hello-world')
# {'foo': 'hello-world'}
# {'GET': my_get_controller}

# Matching any path
routes.add('assets/:*foo', {})
route = routes.match('assets/user/profile/avatar.jpg')
# {'foo': ('user', 'profile', 'avatar.jpg')}

# Error handling
    route = routes.match('bad-url/some')
except kua.RouteError:
    raise ValueError('Not found 404')
    # Do something useful here
Variables:max_depth – The maximum URL depth (number of parts) willing to match. This only takes effect when one or more URLs matcher make use of any-var (i.e: :*var), otherwise the depth of the deepest URL is taken.
add(url: str, anything: typing.Any) → None[source]

Register a URL pattern into the routes for later matching.

It’s possible to attach any kind of object to the pattern for later retrieving. A dict with methods and callbacks, for example. Anything really.

Registration order does not matter. Adding a URL first or last makes no difference.

  • url – URL
  • anything – Literally anything.
match(url: str) → kua.routes.RouteResolved[source]

Match a URL to a registered pattern.

Parameters:url – URL
Returns:Matched route
Raises:kua.RouteError – If there is no match
exception kua.routes.RouteError[source]

Base error for any exception raised by Kua

class kua.routes.RouteResolved

Resolved route

  • params (dict) – Pattern variables to URL parts
  • anything (object) – Literally anything. This is attached to the URL pattern when registering it

Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0